Patent |
- Application / Filing / Registration
- A patent is valid for twenty (20) years, starting from the date on which the application of the patent is filed. However, a annuity fee should be paid annually, and the patent will be expired if the fee is not paid within the given time period.
- Major Practice Areas
- BM/IT/Electrics/Electronics
: BM, UI, UX, Mobile Phone, Wireless Charger, Antenna, TV, Refrigerator, Air Conditioning, Display, Certification System, Payment System, Cosmetics Manufacturing Methods, Security System, etc.
- Machinery
: Robots, Health Care, Optics, Automobiles, Unmanned Vehicles, Nuclear Reactors, Solar Collection Devices, Sterilizing Devices, Drones, CCTV Cameras, Fire Extinguishers, etc.
- Building/Construction
Vinyl Greenhouses, Heating Systems, Reservoir Design, Boilers, Power Plants, etc.
- Utility Goods
Desks, Cellphone Cases, Bowls, Plates, Containers, Electric Cord Reels, Cosmetic Containers, etc.